Those who know me, know that the site will be about my horses
⭐️CZEREDA młp (polish angloarab)
ur. 10.05.1999 - 30.10.2017
F: Karton mlp ( Hipokryta mlp - Karuza mlp / Barak młp )
M: Czerencha mlp ( Cekwart mlp - Centa mlp / Cekwart młp)
Registration no: 2152 GLb
Breeder: S.Wójcik
My greatest love and fulfillment of the greatest dream.
Unfortunately, as a result of an accident, she galloped to the green eternal pastures. I miss her very much.
⭐️CISZA MA młp (polish angloarab)
ur. 21.11.2008
F: Jankes'son xx ( Freedom's Choice xx - Janina xx / Dipol xx)
M: Czereda mlp ( Karton mlp - Czeremcha mlp / Cekwart młp)
Breeder: Monika Aleksandrowicz
Cisza MA daughter of Czereda and stallion of English blood, Janke's son of the famous Freedom's Choice xx. I hope that next year a foal will be born from her. We chose the Oldenburg young stallion Don Luxury from the Netherlands for the future father, in whose veins the blood of excellent dressage horses flows like De Niro, Donnerhall and Weltmeyer.
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